Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Feudal System

"Father Francois of Bologna, you are my honored guest please allow me to explain the feudal systems for you before you ask many questions of me. I am but a simple farmer. The feudal system is basically a system where the king gives his vassals land. A vassal is a servant who has sworn his loyalty to the king and in return he receives land. The vassal who receives land may choose to gives a way his land to other vassals therefore becoming a lord himself. However all the land still belongs to the original king.”   

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Harold had the Best Claim

In the year 1066, King Edward (ruler of England) died. In that same year, 3 men had different claims to the throne. Now, I thought that Harold Godwinson the Earl of Wessex had the best claim to the throne, since King Edward himself chose Harold to rule after him. He was also the leader of the army and a powerful english noble and King Edward married to Harolds sister, another reason why he should be the new king. Not to mention he was English, the other 2 men who had claims to the throne were actually both foreigners and it would make sense if Harold ruled over England. The english nobles also agreed with the choice. Harold would make sure the nobles kept their positions of power. When King Edward died, the nobles came together and met at their council (called the Witan) and agreed that Harold should be king. However, things didn't just end there...